It is generally considered protective and immune support by protecting the food inputs of poultry animals from birds and livestock from all infections by pathogenic biological agents or their toxic products, which have a negative effect on immunity. A preparation intended for securing feed from fungal, bacterial, and fungal pathogens, rotations, and poisonings. It contains a fungicide and vital dyes that bind the proteins of germs, viruses, and yeasts, in addition to containing organic salts that absorb, adsorb, and bind mycotoxins, and also works as an appetite modulator and mitigates the negative effects of rumen acidosis and ketosis, yeast is to compensate for the rumen microflora that is destroyed or killed for various reasons, thereby ensuring a balance in digestion and efficiency in metabolism. In addition, it contains simple sugars such as monosaccharide, oligosaccharide and beta-glucan, which play a role in metabolism and useful medical properties recently discovered by science.
Each 1000g contains:
Yeast extract 50g
Nystatin 5 million I. U
Potassium Lactate 30g
Sodium citrate 10g
Calcium propionate 65g
Crystal violate 5g
Methylene blue 2g
Propylparaben 5g
Excipients SQ 1000g.